Broken Hill to Sydney Ultra Marathon 2017

Giving a voice to children who live with family violence.


In September 2017 I became one of a handful of humans ever to run across the full width of New South Wales.  I covered more than 1300km (32 marathons) in 19 consecutive days with a total running time of 207.5 hours.  Over 2000 runners raced me online, crossing the course as part of a virtual challenge.  

This run was in support of Run Against Violence.  Our aim was to give a voice to the often-silent victims of family violence - the children.

Family and domestic violence is increasingly being recognised as the social challenge of our time. Public conversation around the issue is building, however, we often overlook the children - those who hear and see the violence, or are directly targeted. Too often, these children don’t have the chance to tell their own story.  In 2017 we asked the nation to stop and listen to these young people.


StepsTogether Ultra Marathon Documentary


The Steps Together Ultra Marathon is a documentary that follows the journey of the Broken Hill to Sydney Ultra Marathon and shows how one person's determination to take steps can make life better for others. Screenings of the documentary can be arranged through Run Against Violence or contact me directly.


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