20 - Soul-Deep Important To You

Listen to the audio, then do the journaling activity below.

In the years between 2013 and 2017, I was;

  • a non-executive director,

  • setting up a charity,

  • running my own business,

  • running ultra-marathons,

  • and running a home, eating, sleeping...

You get the gist. Listed out like that it looks like I'm a mega-star of discipline, but that's not the truth of it.

My secret to maintaining a lot on my plate is setting up the right routines. When I'm taking on a new project, I make small tweaks to my day, one tweak at a time. When I do that, change is easy and over time, the ship that is my life sails in a different direction.

Your life will have to change if you want to be passionately working on things that are soul-deep important to you.

Don't get fixated on making big changes. Make small tweaks and the big changes will happen as a consequence. Small changes give space for your creativity to generate better answers and opportunities to arise.

Now to tie this all back to our specific task at hand; your intrinsic motivation. When you look through the list of 40 moments of joy you'll notice there are some common threads among them.

Some examples are;

  • Deeply connecting with people (e.g. family, community, colleagues)

  • Deeply connecting with nature (e.g. outdoors, animal relationships, gardening)

  • Contributing to the lives of others (e.g. acts of service, making a difference)

  • Self-expression (e.g. through creating, art, writing)

  • Learning new things (e.g. mental stimulation, problem-solving, new ideas)

These themes represent what is soul-deep important to you. They are your "true north". Fill your life with these themes. Orientate your decision-making and behaviours around them. It will give you an endless supply of energy and fulfilment. You'll also be 100% confident that any decision you make is leading you in the right direction.

Time To Journal…

  1. Look over your 40 moments of joy and identify your themes.

  2. Use the examples above to get you started, then refine it into your words. You may also come up with completely different themes to those shown.

  3. Don’t stress about getting it right the first time, just come up with some initial ideas. Just like you, they will always be a work-in-progress. You’ll gain greater clarity as time goes by.

  4. Aim for approximately 5 themes in total.

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